Any recommendations for aftermarket C-7 power cord for Bluesound Node 2i

Looking for help on finding a better sounding C-7 power cord for my Node.  I have read about Audioquest, Pangea, Cullen, Shunyata, etc.  I have even looked at making my own.  Any suggestions or experience with good C-7 cords would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Showing 1 response by fife

Best to get a Voodoo c7 adapter so you can try any flavour or power cord to your hearts’ desires. I had to get a cable support, then migrated to Furutech ncf cable booster to eventually support a thick powercord that cost more much than my vault.Does a nice $50 vs $1000 cable make a difference on the vault? Yes..but only your wallet and ears can decide better.