Any reccomendations for a CD burner?

I'm looking for a burner to transfer LPs, tapes etc onto CD. Nothing fancy just something simple with great quality...Thanx in advance for your input

Showing 3 responses by ramstl

The M-audio, Berringer, Edirol, Flying Cow ect. are not nearly as good as the other options listed. These units are made with price as the selling point, thus the parts are usually compromised.

FYIW, Oade's do modify the Edirol, which might be a cheap option. For more info go to their web site.
Considering the Alesis is an all in one unit and can operate as a nice player too, I would not conider it "high" cost. For $1000, you get a hard drive, CD burner, dedicated high rez burner and a very good playback unit.

Depending on what the poster uses for CD playback he may be able to sell it and just use the Alesis. Or if he uses a DA he can dump his transport and keep the DA for the Alesis.

Other than that, there are a dozen and a half cheap stand alone units that will make CD copies......from $200 on up.