Any Problems with Conrad Johnson Premier 140?

I see a surprising number of Premier 140's available on the used market. Is this indicative of problems with this fairly recent offering from C-J? The amp sounds very interesting to me for running my Totem Mani-2's, but I don't need to court trouble. (Been down that road with ARC Classic 120's!)

Showing 1 response by adduncan101

I've had the pleasure of using Conrad Johnson gear for a couple decades. PV 8, PV12, Mv60se, premier 140, multi-channel briefly, The sound is amazing and the tank like construction of the transformers is equally amazing. I found a number of upgrades necessary such as capacitors and some of the wiring in the preamp but by and large this stuff is the best for the money sonically. The downside especially with the 140 is the size and it's tendency to blow a tube if there's ever a power outage or the heat is definitely a nuisance. You can't leave them on forever and when I turn them off my Rel subwoofer takes a beating. At the end of the day though sound quality in this equipment can't be bought in solid state for anything close in price. Go get some KT88s or KT 120 tubes in an mv 60 or classic or the premier and prepare to mess your pants.