Any point in adding tube preamp to SS integrated?

I have a Classe CAP 101 integrated amp which has no amp in inputs. Would it make any sense to add a tube preamp via the tape in input? the amp drives B&W floorstanding speakers (CDM9NT)and sounds pretty good, but I'd like a little tube magic. This is a second system for me, and I'm used to tubes in my main system. Also, if anyone has speaker wire recommendation for this set up, plse advise; currently using Kimber 4TC and was thinking of trying Speltz anti-cables.....thx in advance for any assistance....

Showing 1 response by elevick

A tube DAC or tube phono pre would get you that tube "magic".

I like 4tc's. The only reason I see to get rid of them is to change personality, ie nordost flatline is no better but may have better high freq. resolution???