Any Opinions on Tannoy Speakers?

I'm finding that the speaker companies without large marketing budgets don't get much review press. Does anyone have opinions on the Tannoy d500, or any other Tannoy speakers? I'll be in a fairly large room with a McIntosh amp. I thought the d500 design might also appease my wife. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

i couldn't disagree more with marakanetz about the aesthetics (read: WAF) of the tannoy churchill's. until tannoy decided to stick that crazy flying saucer (super tweeter) into the top of the cabinets, the churchill's in rosewood were, IMO, one of the most attractive "large" speakers available. the V-for-victory front ports and silhouette of winston on the speaker diaphragms are way cool. moreover, these beasts, coupled with low output tubes from airtight, have produced, for me, some of the most startling nearfield listening i've ever experienced. i dream of using a pair of these beauties as fronts in a gigantic tube-powered ht system.