Any opinions on new type of amps from BMC, Hegel,

Curious if people have heard and have opinions on several 'new style' amplifiers recently released by BMC, Hegel H-30, and Devialet. Seen several systems posted on the 'Gon now using BMC gear, with rave reviews; but I'm always a bit concerned if you must use the matching preamp and or dac, or special inter connects to obtain best sound. I have heard the new Hegel H-30; which is a beast; it was configured in a stereo set up, not used as monoblocks; and had some amazing base response, PRAT, sparkle, and awesome sound staging and presence; just made music seem alive in this room. But I'd like to hear from anyone who has the new Hegel lineup installed; with their thoughts; and what else they considered prior to pulling the trigger. The usual reviewers gave the new style Devialet the best of the best reviews at year end; a 'revolutionary' new style amp; but then I've heard nothing, or read nothing about people who have purchased it. Then there is the new style ML amp; but its way expensive; and out of my price range; so I won't go there. Usually amps design stays pretty constant, and they work on lowering distortion and increasing watts, but I don't know the specifics of what makes these 'new style' amps work; and whether they work well. Thanks for the feedback.

Showing 2 responses by mribob

TBg: Thanks for your note; yes; I saw yoursystem posted on Virtual systems; it looks great. But I don't think you accurately answered my questions about how the BMC amp works; and how is different from other amp designs. Does it sound best when paired with BMC dac/preamp/cables, and if so, why?
For your friend who compared the Hegel with the BMC, can he offer specifics about the comparison? It's getting harder to audition equipment with 'brick and mortar' dealers; and at these price points; we wish to maxmize our enjoyment of hobby; and minimize buyers remorse; or to buy into 'hype' not backed by system time I do not have a Turn Table; so a phone stage is not important to me; perhaps though, later...
and in response to Audiofiel; and Dev; your disclosures of dealer relationship if any, is important for this discussion. Thanks for sharing; the BMC products seem interesting and high quality; I just don't know much about them...
sorry the thread is drifting off topic; even advertisers who disclose can provide reasonable info..and this info is worth what we are paying for it...which is only time on the 'net; we are smart enough to separate wheat from chaff; and I'm glad that Audio Imports chimed in; they provided a bit more clarity than what's on their web page, but I'm still a bit confused about how their design improves sound; and why you need their probrietary cables and dac to optimize performance. No one has experience with Hegel amps? Devialet?
Audiofeil; I do enjoy your comments; and glad that you call people out on obvious BS. But what I am looking for is more details on how these amps work; how they sound; and what people's experiences are that have them in their systems...again; its hard to audition some of this equipment; as it's not well know or widely available..positive critical reviews in TAS, or Stereophile are almost as much value to me as the comments on the 'Gon; I take them all with a healthy dose of bias and skepticism. But they may point me in a direction I might not be aware of; and help me get to my own version of sonic nirvana, and system matching and synergy without making too many mistakes..still hoping for some more useful comments...