Any Opinion on DCC/MoFi CD Quality?

I really don't understand the DCC hype. I have owned most of the rock titles, and I find the sound to be extremely muddy with an over-emphasis on the drums. Was Steve Hoffman a drummer? MoFi aren't too much better. The new hybrids are great, but I'm hard-pressed to reccomend any other titles for the high price.
I cannot name one disc in either brand that I would reccomend a $25(plus) payment for.
I would refer to Pink Floyd's MoFi version of "The Wall" to rest my case. An absolute case of fraud.
Equipment:Cary300 SEI,306/100 CD, Triangle Celius.

Any opinions welcome,

Showing 1 response by cbucki

I tried to fool myself into believing that these "premium" pressings were superior. When you pay 2x to 8x the price over the standard issue, that's easy to do. The fact is, even on the new Patricia Barber titles, you have to use delusion to believe the MoFi are clearly superior.
My dealer and I have done several of these A/B comparisons.
The remastered "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" absolutely decimates the MoFi. Ditto for "Double Fantasy".
Those who claim the Gain II process was a significant improvement are correct. They are still a far cry from today's 24 bit remastering efforts.
I am a recovering MoFi/DCC addict. The first step is admitting there is a problem...