any one hear the new b w 683 yet?

was wondering if an one has test drove or bought the new b w 683...the replacement fo the 604 s3...
have always liked the 604s...thoughts...comments
I'm planning to visit my dealer this Fri (9/14) in NJ to purchase a Marantz DVD player. While there, I'm going to ask for a demo of the new 600 series unless they're too busy. I'll reply to you when I return. I came close to buying two new 604's back in March but went with the 603's instead for a number of reasons. I am very very pleased with them along with the rest of my system and the tweaks I've added, etc. But I'll always wonder how those monster 604's would have sounded. I'm interested if B&W is still making the S3 series for a little while longer or did they just cut it off? I'll ask. Which B&W's do you own?

I recommend the forum as much more suitable place for discussing entry-level B&W speakers. By my impression, people overhere usually deal with significantly pricier gear...
I went today (9/14/07) and auditioned most of them (not the 684 2-1/2 way). With all respect, I wouldn't consider the 600 series entry-level but I guess that's a matter of opinion. Perhaps their 300 series is. Anyway, the 686 replaces the 600, the 685 replaces it seems both the 601 and 602, the 684 replaces the 603 and the 683 the 604. Remember the Series 3 had 5 units and the new series 4. The new one doesn't offer a large bookshelf such as the 602 was.

We first listened to the 685 vs a pair of the DM601 S3's. We listed to Larry Carlton's Collection CD. Overall we both (sales person and I) found the 685's to be more open and yet at the same time tighter and warmer than the 601's. They seem to fill the room with more ease than the 601's. On Small Town Girl when listening to the 685's, the bass guitar licks (not the bass response) were very prominent. I'm taking about the actual finger picks of the strings. When we switched to the 601's, the licks disappeared into the background and no longer stood out. The 685's seem to produce a superior soundstage meaing the music seemed to project all around us in 3 dimensionionally more than the 601's. I'm not trashing the 601's or the Series 3 by any means. I have a pair of the DM601's and DM603's and am not about the trade up. I luv'm !! But side by side, these were my impressions.
We then switched on the 683's and of course the sound was fuller and deeper as you would expect from a floor stander. Same characteristics as the 685's but again fuller and deeper. The little 686's by themselves with no sub were simply amazing. To hear that much bass and imaging eminate from these little guys in the large demo room we were in greatly impressed me.

The new 600's are assembled at a large Rotel plant in China. That is why B&W can offer them at the same price levels as the Series 3. The technology used is taken from the more expensive 800 series and incorporated into the 600's. By finding ways to produce some of the 800 series components cheaper (i.e. kevlar cones), they were able to bring these to the new 600's. Go to to study up on the technology and the story behind this new line. Thanks for listening.


Don't listen to Zormi. I think it was very rude of him to suggest you go to another site to talk about the new 683's. That's what this site is for. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on eqipment. This is not just a site for the wealthy people out there. If he doesn't want to respond to your question because those speakers are below his standards, then he can simply not respond. I could be wrong but I believe you asked for feedback on the 683, and not for the name of another website to go to.

I heard the 683 briefly a few weeks ago, and I was impressed. I didn't listen long enough to be much help, but I Pdn's description seems to be along the lines of what I heard. On top of the improved sound, I think they look nice also.

If you get a chance to listen to them, report back to us with your thoughts.
Estrong, Seanacape

I had not offensive minds behind, at all, and I truly appologize if I expressed myself wrong...

I've just suggested another forum, which is - in terms of the particular unit Seanacape is interested in - simply more suitable... contents B&W specialty club, with a ongoing thread or two related exactly to the new 600 Series.

Being at both (and several other) forums more than four years, I am trying to select the most proper one for particular topic... I still maintain my suggestion of above-mentioned another forum as better destination to discuss B&W 600 Series. I am simply afraid there will be not too much inputs overhere, that's all.



your gracious apology is greatly appreciated...and input as well...
estrong...thank you for your gracious reply and support...
pdn.. above and beyond ther captain...
now down to business...
drove 45 minutes to a dealer outside of alantic city who had gotten the 683 and they wouldn't break them out cause they wanted to sell their 604s first...pissed me off..
any way...a buddy of mine and i were test driving a pair of b w 804s at david man in plilly about a year ago...and right
next to these were the 604s...just before we walked out the door,i asked to hear the 604s...gotta tell you i was darn impressed...switched back and forth to the 804s...and was truly impressed...pretty awesome sound at one third the price...have since phone shopped them...this was a year ago...and found two dealers that would sell them for an even 1200...the list for 1400
so when i heard that b w was up grading the 600 line,i wanted to wait...
still thinking of the 804s off of audiogon...heard it paired up with a mac 6900...what a trip...never heard the 804s sing like that...and have test drove them over many,many times...
my current system is the sony xa 9000es...aragon 4004 run tru a high end yamaha receiver and boston acoustic vrm 90 speakers that are just starting to break in ...getting sweater by the day,but at times,still some what bright..
so thats where im at...still wanna hear these 683s...
still looking for feed back...
thanks for your inputs...present and futue...
will let you know when i hear these asap...
thanks again...
I heard the 683 briefly and was definetly impressed, especially in the in the $1400 price range. Much smoother and much better imaging than the 604, as far as I can recall. The mids were the usual B&W stand out feature. The overall sound was very pleasing with a very good soundstage.
As usual different equipment and rooms etc make a big difference. ( Rotel and being stuffed between other speaker, was my listening experience.) I don't own either speaker but I have heard the 604 many times in it's S2 and S3 series format.
( I do own B&W 801s2, CM1 and a 600 center speaker)
I used to own both DM-604 and 604S3... The main issues with the entire 600 Series were very poor cabinetry and cheapy internal wiring. Both 604 versions suffered boomy bass with poorish definition and pitch. Mids OK, slightly darker than 602 model. Not listened the 683 yet. If you can stretch the budget, the 804S is miles away in terms of quality...

Good luck!
I guess I'm the odd one. I actually liked the 684 better than the 683 when I did a side by side comparison (Marantz equipment). Seemed the 683's didn't have the mid range I liked and the highs seemed to come out too much with respect to the mid and bass for my taste.

Maybe I'm just weird.
Entry level? get real. In the UK these speakers are £900. FAR from entry level. We have a "hifi" chain over here called Richersounds, now THAT'S entry level.

PDN, really interesting reading what you have to say. I have first hand experience with 601S3, 685 and 683. The 683s are by far the best speakers I have ever owned. Even better than the $3000 Monitor Audio GR20. MUCH better. The 685s are also incredible value.

As for the 804s being miles away in terms of quality, I disagree. Of course, the finish on the 800 series is magnificent, far better than the new (or old!) 600 series. I have heard both speakers (although must confess, not side by side) and both are fantastic speakers, but not overly different. I didn't feel they were worth more than twice the price, for perhaps 10% more audible performance.

Maybe I'm just bias because I own the 683, but I truly think B&W has reinvented the speaker market at this price.

This is just my opinion!
Yes I agree with Zormi about the DM604-S3's. I found them too boomy next to the DM603-S3's during my audition earlier this year. I can only imagine how much more boomy they would be once I got them home in my smaller room than the store's demo room. I found the 603S3's to provide more detail in the mid-range just as Zormi stated. The 604's might work better in a much larger open airy room than what I have. I already had the ASW600 sub so I really didn't need the 604's anyway. They really don't need a sub in some room configurations.

I just love my 603's with the ASW-600 sub. Not sure I understand the cabinetry problem though. Mine are solid . My room is 13'x 23'x 8' high with two openings out to hallways. The 604's would probably be overkill !!