Any normal size speakers that sound like Volti

I've had these early prototype Volti speakers I bought from Greg  8-10 years ago, but I  am set up in the living room with these large speakers . Family and friends always complain about the size, and I just ignore them.  Lately, my wife who agreed to the purchase has been grumbling about their size. 

I've been considering going to a more normal sized speaker, but want to keep most of Volti horn sound. I drag in my Joseph Audio RM25xl speakers and after a few days, I  drag the Volti's back in.

Using Atma-Sphere D amps and Mp3 preamp. Bricasti dac and Elrod cables. I stuck an old picture in systems so you get the idea of the scale. I will get new pictures later and finish system. 

I know it's unlikely, but maybe one of you can think of something. 





The speakers look fine in your room.  Plenty of space around them.  I would ignore everyone and enjoy.  Tell your wife it will cost 40K to get the same sound.  That should change her mind fast. 

I would like to keep under $20,000 if possible.

I also have Allnic 300b, and Atma-Sphere m-60 amps.