Any new ideas on an old theme?

Use a platform, root 'em in, decouple 'em, or just spike 'em into the flooring materials.

What's the latest greatest approach on speaker setup?

I've replaced the old carpeting with new plush er, thick er, pad and pile. Now my OEM spikes for my floorstanders are barely (if at all) getting to the plywood underneath it all... So I'm wondering how best to overcome this obstacle?

I see some systems online here which use platforms or some sort of material under the speakes...

Any & all experiences here are most welcome... as I do need a new plan now... or just bigger spikes.


Showing 1 response by dcisok

ALL interesting and thoughtful comments . . . there is a long thread on this very topic at the steve hoffman site that was recently led by commercial sound engineer barry diament . . . he's a big fan of "floating" spkrs w/rollerballs and disks (symposium rollerball, jr., finite elemente cerabase--barry has similar devices of his own making) . . .

I have some disks from ANOTHER well-known maker (name escapes me) being used under various components, and I plan to try 3 of them under one of my harbeths. (Barry's rec'd also involves a very flat, smooth slab of tile or plexi under each spkr w/the disks between slab and spkr).
