Any Music Hall Mambo Owners?


I am thinking about purchasing one. However, I can't find many threads/reviews regarding that integrated. That's why I would like to get some input from fellow Audiogon members who have some experience with the "Mambo".

Thank you so much in advance.

Keep the faith !
Great Integrated amp. What is remarkable is not so much what you hear as what you don't. Works great with a relatively inexpensive DVD player with the Digital fed directly into the amp which has its own burr-brown DAC. I had real problems finding one. It seems that Music Hall has dropped this model for their receiver which operates in AB+ rather than in straight Class A output. If you can find one you should find it quite a nice unit, particularly for the price
Tremondous sound for the money.Comes with isolation feet and heavy duty power cord.Great value and truly clean sound.May be a little light for some on bass.Will make any cd player sound better.Remote powers up and down the amp.Will also power up and down the maverick sacd player.Built to last forever.