Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier?

I recently heard a Belles 150a Hotrod with Triangle Zerius speakers and a transformer volume control.  The sound is one of the most compelling pairings I have heard.  I am considering purchasing a used 350a or a new Aria or 150a ref. v2.

Has anyone spent time with one, two or all three of these amplifiers?  I'd like to spend as little as possible but still have an outstanding match with the easy-to-drive Zerius.  I like the idea of an integrated if it sounds as good as the bigger amps just with less output power.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
I've spoken to a few folks who own or have auditioned the Belles gear and they seem to play well in the sandbox with most everything.  That's very rare.  
Purchased a used Belles Aria on Audiogon on this week.  Paired with Vandersteen VLR speakers, Bryston BDP-pi streamer and Mytek Liberty dac.  Kimber Kable interconnects and speaker cables.  Most honest, uncluttered sound I have had in my system, with great dynamics, soundstage and range.  Thanks to John Rutan at Audio Connection for another great recommend.  
Hello All.
Does anybody know anything about David's 250i tube hybrid integrated amplifier?
There is one currently for sale here on Audiogon.
It must be a discontinued piece, but I cannot find much information about it on the internet.
Is it that rare?
Many Thanks!
I've landed at some vintage Harman Kardon equipment from the mid-70's (HK 330B & 430). Lot's of synergy with my current single-driver speakers. If I needed more power, I would stick with an Aria. Liked it much better than many other more expensive options.
I am an owner of Belles MB-200 Monoblocs along with David's VT-01 Pre/Amp, but ended up buying a Aria Int. Amp at a great deal and I am shocked on how good it sounds on a pair of Magnepan 1.7i and some Dynaudio Confidence C2's. Didn't think this thing had the balls to run some of these big boy speakers, and boy was I wrong... Unbelievable that good!