Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier?

I recently heard a Belles 150a Hotrod with Triangle Zerius speakers and a transformer volume control.  The sound is one of the most compelling pairings I have heard.  I am considering purchasing a used 350a or a new Aria or 150a ref. v2.

Has anyone spent time with one, two or all three of these amplifiers?  I'd like to spend as little as possible but still have an outstanding match with the easy-to-drive Zerius.  I like the idea of an integrated if it sounds as good as the bigger amps just with less output power.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 4 responses by audioconnection

(((BTW, if you folks think the Aria is good, the Soloist integrated (which is about $1,000 more) is really good too.... its basically pretty close to a integrated amp version of the 150ARefV2. If you need more power and/or better sound than the Aria integrated - its well worth looking into.Cheers
Rich Brkich )))

Thanks for your comments I agree with you on much of the above
 but wanted to shed some light with my take based from genuine listing experience. 
I have been a Belles Power Modules dealer since mid to late 80s....
In our listening sessions with many top quality speakers the 1995 Aria Integrated petty well smokes the 3 k plus Soloist on all the speakers we listened to.
 The new Aria Mono Blocks at 2995 are pretty magical and easily surpass the150 V2.
The Latest Belles SA 100 at 5500 with its Dual Mono design is even more fun then the 350 units which were already a fine design.
Audio Connection   
Dave Belles and I have discussed this one for hours and both agree.
The newer Aria designs out performs the Soloist.
The Aria integrated ,Aria Stereo amp and Aria Mono Blocks far more engaging and sophisticated. They easily out perform much more $ designs, and made in USA
If I didn't tell you I would be doing you a disservice.
 Best JohnnyR
If you had a real pair of neutral speakers you would go wow as well
 Try em with the best selling speaker of all time Vandersteen 2 CE Sig
 Instead of those lifestyle pandering Tea Kettle whistler Nasal Boxes you like.
 even a set of Large Advents will rock better.
 Chuckles JohnnyR

((((I can now listen to CD's again with this amplifier plugged into my system. They now sound so good that I'm not chomping at the bit anymore to play a record. The Belles Aria Dual Mono  integrated is IMHO, the best sounding and most enjoyable amplifier I have ever owned. It has grunt, clarity, great bass, mids and detail / air up top without irritation. I also like how it is built and how form follows function. I think it looks great with the black chassis too. Finally, before hooking it up, I took a look under the hood and smiled when I saw two nice size power transformers. It claims to be 85wpc, but it sounds way more muscular than it might appear to be with my 8 ohm speakers. This would be the amp I would keep if I had to choose only one. Before looking elsewhere, take a risk with the Aria Dual Mono integrated. It is a very special and speaker friendly piece worth owning.))))

Greetings, Thanks for sharing your Belles Dual Mono experience. I totally agree a special amp at 3495 for sure or at any price!!!. Just wanted also to let folks know There is a Belles for everybody!  Please feel free to give me a call JohnnyR Audio Connection Verona NJ