Any love for Musical Fidelity integrateds?

I recently bought a Musical Fidelity m3si and I’m pleasantly surprised how much I enjoy the sound of it. I wanted a SS amp to use on hot days when my tube amp warms up half the house. I always heard good things about MF, so thought I’d try it, but there are few MF reviews online, so I was a little reluctant. The m3si has 85w/channel @8ohms which is plenty for my high sensitivity Tekton speakers. I’d describe it as sounding smooth and effortless; having good clarity and detail without being bright. The balance between bass, mids and treble is just right. I can listen for hours without fatigue. All in all a very enjoyable and engaging listening experience. A while back I sold my Hegel integrated as I pursued tubes, and regret it, but I’m glad to have the MF.

Showing 1 response by nacarp

I also have the KW500 and it is fantastic. I am running it with Aerial Acoustic Model 6 speakers (wow!)

I do think the MM input can easily be bettered, my Liberty Audio B2B-1 runs rings around it, but it should for it’s price.

I have also had an A308 (full sounding even when turned down) that was great and other brands/models I have had are Audiolab 8000S (years ago!), Krell KAV300 (thin at lower volumes) and a Pathos Logos. Only the Pathos did I like more, but after a finicky operation and a failure (I got it fixed) I got rid of it. The MFs are bombproof, you can’t go wrong.

My best buddy has had MF A1, B200, F series and currently has a Nuvistor Integrated. I’ve listened to them all and think they are all fine sounding and great value, but I think the KW500 is special.