Any love for Musical Fidelity integrateds?

I recently bought a Musical Fidelity m3si and I’m pleasantly surprised how much I enjoy the sound of it. I wanted a SS amp to use on hot days when my tube amp warms up half the house. I always heard good things about MF, so thought I’d try it, but there are few MF reviews online, so I was a little reluctant. The m3si has 85w/channel @8ohms which is plenty for my high sensitivity Tekton speakers. I’d describe it as sounding smooth and effortless; having good clarity and detail without being bright. The balance between bass, mids and treble is just right. I can listen for hours without fatigue. All in all a very enjoyable and engaging listening experience. A while back I sold my Hegel integrated as I pursued tubes, and regret it, but I’m glad to have the MF.

Showing 2 responses by jjss49

for fun, i picked up an old a308 integrated... this one was well modded with upgraded ps caps, resistors and wiring... in shipping the volume control was damaged though, just got it fixed, and man this is a very very nice sounding integrated... very refined extended treble, a little lushness in the mids and midbass, excellent low bass power and tone... all in all, exceptional regardless of cost and absolutely ridiculous for the modest price i paid...

too bad i don’t have a stock one to compare, impossible to know how much of the wonderful sound is the basic design vs the mods... 🤷‍♂️

musical fidelity has had quite a history, kinda all over the map, high and low points, do things their way, their own path to achieve excellent (nuvista, tube buffers, etc etc) ... their high points are very high e.g. (their tri vista dac is still wonderful), true giant killer performance, but other items are just ok... company has changed hands, new leadership, hope they make a comeback

yes designed in europe and made in taiwan (not that that is a bad thing)