Any Love For Bryston Here?

I've been reading this forum for years but have just recently started chiming in. I never see very many posts/threads about their products. I own and have owned a few of their pieces and I honestly think that pound for pound, or $ for $ their equipment is pretty close to top notch, not to mention their "best in the business" warranty. Also their aesthetics are complement worthy. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by mkorber

Been listening to Bryston for over 35 years, have had the original 3B, 3BST, 4B, 4BST, 4BSST and now the 3B cubed.
To my ears, the cubed series of power amps are the best sounding solid state amps that Bryston has ever made!
They aren’t cheap but outperform any other power amps at the price point!

I am driving B&W 802 III and Theil CS1.6 speakers!