Any Love For Bryston Here?

I've been reading this forum for years but have just recently started chiming in. I never see very many posts/threads about their products. I own and have owned a few of their pieces and I honestly think that pound for pound, or $ for $ their equipment is pretty close to top notch, not to mention their "best in the business" warranty. Also their aesthetics are complement worthy. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by macnut5

I had a Bryston preamp and amp years ago. I believe that the preamp was the BP25 with a MM phono board. I also had the 3BST amp. I ended up swapping the preamp for a used McIntosh home theatre preamp, which was a huge improvement over the BP25 in terms of sound quality and functionality.  However, the Mac amplifier that I later paired it with did not really improve on the 3BST. So what I am saying is that I felt that the Bryston amplifier was a much better performer than the Bryston preamp that I had it paired with.