Any Love For Bryston Here?

I've been reading this forum for years but have just recently started chiming in. I never see very many posts/threads about their products. I own and have owned a few of their pieces and I honestly think that pound for pound, or $ for $ their equipment is pretty close to top notch, not to mention their "best in the business" warranty. Also their aesthetics are complement worthy. Thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by kingbarbuda

On my main, mainly but not completely, analog system, I have a Bryston 17B3 Preamp, a Bryston BDA-3 DAC, and a pair of Bryston 28B3 monoblock amps driving my modified Magnepan 1.7 magenplanar speakers with Myestands and the Powell Magnepan jumper and “fuse” upgrades. I love this system. No coloration that I can discern and has plenty of power which the Maggies need. Everything is built like a tank. Bryston’s Customer support is responsive and detailed, and their warranty is the best.
Brystons are super reliable and built like tanks. Plus they perform very well. I have used to have two 4B3s running in bridge mode in my system. I agree with positive comments about the 4B3s. I would still have them if I hadn’t received a great opportunity to get a pair of 28B3 monoblocks. My Magnepans have all the power, dynamic reserve, and headroom they need. The 17B3 is a great preamp. But I have one complaint about it. Certain phono preamps with minimum MM gain in the 50dB range overdrives it. You need a phono preamp with MM gain in the 40-50dB range. So Pass Labs phono stages except for the Aleph Ono are out. The Bryston DAC is also great. Overall, Bryston has been good for me. 
A little update. I have sold my Bryston BDA-3 DAC and have my BP-17 cubed preamp for sale. I am doing this to just make a change and fund some new gear. Plus I already have a bunch of gear. I guess this is what a lot of us do. But what won’t be going anytime soon, especially if I still have my Magnepan 1.7i panels are my Bryston 28B cube monoblocks. Those beasts are staying!