Any insight with the Berkeley Alpha DAC ..??

Reference Recordings, which had had some spectacular CDs on the market is launching a "HRx" DVD-A product which is 24bit and sampled at 176.4 or 88.2 kHZ ...They recommend using a Windows XP desktop fitted with a Lynx AES 16 card and a Media Monkey as it's player and play this 2 channel DVD-R disk through a BERKELEY Audio Design Alpha DAC.

This has been favorably mentioned as a breakthrough in the Absolute Sound April/May edition....has anybody had any experience with this???

I would appreciate your response. Thanks

Showing 1 response by jls3

I'm running a Wadia 270SE transport into my AlphaDac and then into an integrated tube amp driving my Trios.
It's the best my system has ever sounded.