Any info on sqeezebox slim devices?

It seems pretty simple to hookup. Go from PC to sqeezebox to preamp. You can go wireless or hookup via ethernet. One question I have is how is the sound quality? I would be ripping on to my hard drive using a lossless compression most likely Flac. Would the sound quality be equal to that of a high end CD Player, or equal to that of an IPOD, or somewhere in between. This seems a little better than the Sonis system being it lets you use your home stereo to listen to your music. It seems reasonably priced as well.

Showing 2 responses by tonyptony

Prpixel, do you rip as an Image + Cue Sheet or as separate tracks? I'm close to buying a SB3 and was of the feeling that an Image rip would be better because it preserves the integrity of the original CD. In cases of many classical and jazz CDs this is important as the gaps are not always silent. But then I heard that Slimserver can play back sequential tracks in a way that "restores" that gap integrity, I'll call it. If that's the case I'd rather do track rips because it would save several steps. I use EAC and it does not place image rips into Genre/Artist/Title subdirectories the way it does for track rips.

Second, what was the decision maker in going with the Bolder mod versus Red Wine?
Wow, Prpixel, sorry to hear about your condition. I can see where that would drive how you do certain things. I very much appreciate the detailed response. I've posted on AA as well, and it seems that in fact Slimserver should have no problem with FLAC tracks and gaps, as it were. So I'm not going to eat up a lot of time trying to get too geeky with this. I too have a killer CD drive (a Plextor Premium) set aside just for this job. With that, EAC, and 700 GB worth of storage I think I can finally start this thing.