Any inexpensive quality XLR cables?

Need 3 runs of 3 meters becuase Im moving my rear channel amp. It also runs my center channel. I put all my quality cabling on the front end for {stereo} So I do not want to spend a fortune for the surround, yet I do not want garbage either. I saw on one web site Monster Studio Link at 39.00 per cable. Never heard of them. All suggestions welcome.
Ive scaned all the classifieds , tough to find 3 meter cabling at a reasonable price. Top budget around $200.00 total. THX

Showing 1 response by ozfly

The Sound Quest XLR's are pretty darned neutral. I have a 4 meter pair that retailed at $350. The new three meter might not be quite within your price range, but look for some used and you can't go wrong. For even less money, try the Phoenix Gold Pro Series -- I'm running the RCA versions on my HT system throughout and it sounds pretty good. Good luck.