Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work

I went to fire up my CD 3 Mk 2 this morning and it is completely black! I slid the door, I tried the remote, I pushed the STD By button, I changed the power cord, I checked the fuse box, I plugged in something else to insure the outlet was OK and the case is stone cold. I have a local service outlet I can take it tomorrow, I am crushed.
Any ideas what might have happen??

Showing 13 responses by rsjm80

Thanks, I called both ARC yesterday and a Tech here that also works on ARC and I'm hoping it's nothing more than a fuse but, its going in for evaluation and I'll let you know what they find out. I sure hope that it's really next to nothing as I am lost right now.
A quick follow up... I took in the CD 3 Mk@ and the tech told me that in the past week to 2 he has gotten swamped suddenly with all different equipment that has trouble, which leads me to believe that it may has sourced from the grid it's self, just seems awful funny that so many pieces have suddenly failed from so many different manufactures. When I get the prognosis, I update again.
I'm in Upstate N.Y (Rochester to be exact) but, I'm really hoping that it's nothing more than just a fuse. As I keep thinking about it scares me because the unit was cold to the touch as opposed to just a touch of warm as it usually is. The tech also wondered if the laser failed, but I dismiss that as it should still have power and light up the display.
Minor1, I concur with your thoughts, my CD 3 is on the test bench waiting in queue to be diagnosed. As observations goes prior to this when I cleaning in my listening room I always checked it and it was never more than just warm even after an hour or 2 of listening. Thankfully no burning smell ever, but, what freaked me out was absolutely no display and when I rechecked it after trying things I found it to be cold to the touch. With very limited money, I sure hope it isn't anything more than a fuse that went protecting it as I am now missing hearing music more than ever now that it's not here. But I think I can borrow an inexpensive CD from my daughter until I find out what's wrong just that the ARC is (for me) so very good and reveals so much for me and has always been my dream of my last system to buy. As soon as I find out what's wrong I'll let everyone know that offered speculations. Thanks for your positive comments.
So Far NOT looking good! Tech has just been looking and has been unable to find a cause to the failure. He has not removed anything at all and we agreed that if by Monday he doesn't find the root cause that it's going off to Audio Research. He did offer that it may have been caused by a voltage fluctuation at the outlet. At this point I have a commitment to get a Shunyata Venom Defender to protect it. Right now I am so strapped that the fear of restoring it from ARC worries me but, I'll keep you informed of what might have happen as I get a definitive answer.
It is my belief that no he is not an authorized ARC tech but has worked on most all of the high end componets in the market place and he is about the only one in the area that is trusted enough to do any repairs. He has contacted ARC a couple of times but, they have been very protective (understandably. Monday is almost here but my gut tells me that it will go back to ARC (as I should have done) and as soon as I find out what happen I'll post here. Thank you Bifwynne for your vote of confidence that the fix could be more simple than the fears I have.
Well, the CD 3 is off to ARC to find out what's wrong. My local tech couldn't locate what was wrong but was very gracious and did not charge me a cent for his efforts in doing so. I'll post the diagnosis when I get it and I'll be ordering the Venom Defender to protect it for when it come home to stay. Here's hoping it nothing serious.
CD 3 is now at Audio Research (as of yesterday) now just hope that the diagnosis is not too bad. Will update when info becomes available.
Just got the quote back from ARC and it seems that there is (was) a cap failure and the quote wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared I've called and OK'd repairs and am giving Thanks and can't wait to have it come home again.
Will let you know what they say. They were closed for the Thanksgiving weekend when I wrote and asked so, I'm just waiting to hear back but, so far as reported it sounds like all else is up to snuff and will be put back to proper specs.
Funny you should ask, I just heard from ARC yesterday that the CD 3 is ready to come home (yeah!!). Everything else was fine but... they did have to replace 5 caps in the power supply and did just some maintainence lubing the transport and also replaced the slide door as it had gotten scratched. A Venom Defender will be here today or tomorrow as it would seem obvious that I had a spike that caused the failure. I'll sure be glad when it gets home again. Thank you for your suggestions and your input.
I'd prefer not to but, the cost was very reasonable (imho) and was less than what I had feared it might be and the Venom Defender just arrived as I was writing this too, so I'm a happy guy today and the CD 3 is on it's journey back home to me :). Huge Kudos ARC for their outstanding customer service and communication! I'll post a follow up on how it sounds in a couple of weeks.