Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work

I went to fire up my CD 3 Mk 2 this morning and it is completely black! I slid the door, I tried the remote, I pushed the STD By button, I changed the power cord, I checked the fuse box, I plugged in something else to insure the outlet was OK and the case is stone cold. I have a local service outlet I can take it tomorrow, I am crushed.
Any ideas what might have happen??

Showing 7 responses by bifwynne

I hope the OP took his CD 3 to an authorized ARC service tech. These guys know their ARC gear and work closely with the factory to ensure the unit is returned to original operating spec.
Remind me .. is your tech an ARC authorized service guy? If he is, he should be in contact with Chris Osanna, who is the main repair guy at ARC who works with the authorized techs.

Even if your guy is not an approved service tech, maybe Chris will still work with him anyway.

Lastly, given what you've described, I wouldn't be surprised if the fix is simple and inexpensive.
Last suggestion. Don't know where you live. But you may get a speedier and less expensive turn-a-round of you deal with an ARC Service Center tech. You can call ARC and ask where the nearest authorized tech is located. If not too far away, shipping might even be a little cheaper. If this makes sense, call Kal or Chris at ARC and I'm sure they will send you to the right place.

P.S. I live in the Philly area. There's a tech near me who makes house calls. Believe me ... when he comes over to check this or that with my amp, it saves me a heck of a lot of schlepping a 75+ pound monster up a flight of steps, packing it in a 15 pound box and then taking it to FedEx.
Rsjm80, probably not necessary, but I'll put this out there for you anyway. While ARC has your unit, I would ask the tech to replace any other parts that are subject to aging and spec degradation NOW.

It is my understanding that ARC will not let one if its units out of its shop unless it performs at original spec. But it never hurts to ask. There may be other passives or parts that could use a face lift. I'd ask, even if the switch outs are purely prophylactic.
Rsjm80 ... if you get a chance to ask ARC to "freshen up" your CDP, please let us know what if anything ARC recommends. I suspect that if anything, they might just replace some old electrolytic caps.

I think your CDP is solid state, so tubes should not be an issue. Not much else to go bad.

The only other part that could get expensive is the Phillips transport (about $500), but frankly, I've never read or heard that one has gone bad. It's a pretty robust drive.
So what the story? Just a cap or did ARC prophylactically replace some other parts that were near the end of their life span??