Any heard/heard of Whest DAP.10 R processor?

I read about this intriguing "processor" in July '04 issue of Hi-Fi World. The reviewer seemed fairly impressed by it's effect.

Anyone out there have any experience with this device?

Showing 3 responses by robm1


Well this is my first post but I have been surfing here for a while.
I bought one after listening to one after seeing the HiFi world review a few months ago. I spoke to a few dealers who also loves it..
Does it make a difference....BIG YES. It really is an eye opener. At present I'm using an Audio Aero Prima CD player and the DAP.10u has elevated it past the Audio Aero Capitol which costs 3.5 times as much. More detail, better low frequency and images to die for. I ended up selling my used Transparent interconnects to get one. The Whest just works straight out the box, and better than any interconnect I've had in my system.
Would I recommend it...YES! Just listen to one.
Apparently there is a HiFi News review out next month which again is supposed to be excellent.

good luck
It only supports unbalanced. They have a website address

I compared the output of a BAT-D5se player running balanced to a preamp and the same player running unbalanced in to the DAP.10. The balanced version was absolutely crap compared to the DAP.10 output. And that was with the DAP.10s own interconnects which retail for £89 or $US130 or thereabouts.

just read your post. I spoke to James on Friday to see whether I could buy some of the Whest interconnects from him. The ones supplied with the DAP.10 are great and compare to ics in the $250. Anyway, he was in fact at CES but we did talk about your faulty unit amongst other things and he did mention sending you a reply but he has no idea what the fault could be. I too have seen all sorts of faulty audio from hifi dealers. My last piece was my Prima which had a channel down. Nothing is perfect out there and is something that I realised years ago so I don't bother getting bothered about it anymore. Anyway for me and FF on audioreview and plenty others the DAP.10 is a great product and worthy of an award. Also a review is due out in HiFi News next issue.
