Any Hagerman Trumpet and Acoustech PHD owners?

I am thinking of phono amp upgrade. The Hagerman Trumpet and the Acoustech PH.D. are two on my short list. I am wondering if any owners out there willing to tell me the pros and cons of these amps?

Thanks in advanced.

Showing 1 response by hoosier1

I agree with Dmailer about the sound of the Hagerman Trumpet. It was such an eye-opener for me. It is dynamic over the entire listening frequencies. What I perhaps like best is its balance. Nothing is emphasized. I never get any listener fatigue.

The Trumpet is extremely quiet also. One simply hears into the music more. It has a black background--it's hard to imagine a more natural presentation of music.

I simply love this phono pre. And I think it is a best buy.

I recently replaced the four 12AU7 tubes with Siemens NOS. As stated by Dmailer, it is difficult to believe that the sound can be improved, but I like these tubes immensely. Even more natural sounding and smooth. I think it is easily worth the cost of these NOS tubes. I'm going to try NOS for the 12AX7 in a few weeks.

I use the Hagerman with a Jensen step-up, Atma-sphere MA1s amps, Merlin Millennium speakers, a RPM2 tt w/Graham 1.5t arm, and Clearaudio Sigma Wood cartridge. My preamp is the Placette RVC. The Trumpet sounds great through this passive.

I have finally gotten to the point that I am not chasing my system anymore to find improvements. Maybe a dedicated line for my amps (the Hagerman and tt are on a dedicated line)are on the horizon, but that's about it. It's been a long journey. The Hagerman and the Placette RVC stamped my SYSTEM COMPLETED.