Any feedback on the Graham Phantom

Does anyone own a Phantom? Can you share experiences.
How long did you have to wait to get yours?
" I am using the IC-70 phono cable. This cable uses extremely fine (read thin gauge)silver wire. I would be interested to hear comments on other cables..."

I use the XLO Signature Phono Cable. My dealer had both ( IC-70 ).

I think, in the analog World, where the "secret" of the right sound is the Holy Grail which has to be found, it is not simple to do that without a rating. Ratings help.
When I remember all the discussions about the Schroeder Arm, The TriPlanar and the Grahams, I think, good as they are, the results will vary, because the following electronic will have it's own signature added ( more or less ). And let's be honest, when someone spends a few thousand, he wants to hear an improvement. And of course, he "can" hear it. Specially, when the bought unit is rare, hyped, expensive or whatever in that direction.
But is it better ? Or just different ?
Well, I own a 2.2 and from my experience, even that one has so much settings to do, you will have the full box of experience with " normal sounding to excellent sounding ".
Sometimes I remember, when owners from a .... told me, NOW they listen to music. Super.
What have they done before ?
I think, it will depend what you want to have from the System.
Bigdog,unfortunately the wine is probably not really all that good,knowing my friend.However there will be alot of it.Good for me.Bad for tweaking.

As for the cable issue.One friend I am going over to,tomorrow,has a fantastic set-up.Truly world class sound,regardless of price.His system has been developed through years of careful attention to detail.He is a HUGE record collector,and could probably buy an Island in the Bahamas if he ever sold his stuff.Literally "Everything" of note ever discussed in any of the Mags.He actually wrote the Mercury column for TAS.So,he knows his shit.My point being,he has absolutely "CHEAP" crapola(actually,only in price,not performance)cables.I'm talking 10 bucks per eight ft. run.No longer manufactured.The sound in his rig is "INCREDIBLE",and on 22year old speakers(Heavily modded).

I have heard these cables elsewhere and they stunk.Obviously,all systems are cable dependant.All components interact differently.I feel that the "laws of the universe" don't apply to his room.The sound is that good.Probably has something to do with "String Theory",and "Worm Holes".Who knows?Everyone who has gone over to him,manufacturers as well,are bowled over by his sound.Including me.Oh yeah,I hate him too!

However,one can learn alot about their own set-up,by listening,with an open mind,to systems like this one!!We all,too often rationalize the money we just spent on our own stuff,and don't really like to admit something is really better.A defense mechanism,probably.
Friend #2 will be auditioned later in the eve.He has MEGABUCK cables.MEGABUCK power cords(actually he's obsessed with PC's).Newer stuff(Kharma based equip.- good stuff).This set-up,although really good,is just not in the same league as the older set-up,with the cheapo cables.This is universally felt by our audio group.Nothing wrong with the equip,just that the synergy isn't as good.My system falls into this latter category as well.

Moral:We NEVER know how something will sound unless it is auditioned.Forget reviewers.They are just HOBBYISTS,like us.We have to do the legwork for ourselves.Personally,I'm getting tired of this tweaking cycle,but my system has improved in leaps and bounds.I try to have an open mind,and like to think things through.

I have read that Purist Audio offers loaner cables as a test of effectiveness,for some customers.NOW THAT is how one can have the questions of comparisons answered!!
Thank you gentlemen, Sirspeedy I agree with your observations. Most of my gear is 10 years old or more & I only change when I can hear something better(different). I waited a few years to decide on this analog gear as I wanted a turntable that had a certain look & a suspension that wasn't sprung. I really don't like tweaking, however some things really work (for no apparent reason). The Graham Phantom was coming out so I waited instead of getting the 2.2. The engineering & adjustment capability seemed like the natural choice for me. As well I figured an integrated cartridge & phono cable made sense. I believe the arm is everything expected as the slightest changes can be heard. The Boulder was not even an idea, I was considering the EAR (324 I believe). It was just one of those sweaty palm things when you say OK let's do it. Obviously it is spectacular, but the price is ridiculous.I was using the Boulder for a few months with a Technics 1200 & 12 year old Dynavector XX-I high output cartridge & it made the Technics sould as good as any of my friends high end rigs. Maybe better in some ways although you knew the weaknesses of the turntable. I have never been a big fan of expensive cables as they are all over priced. I have made my own silver cables & still use some today. Believe me the real costs are at least 10 times lower. Butt, as they stick it to me, some of the expensive cables are really better for whatever reason. Some also really suck. It's the same with wine, there are many great values for every taste, however some of the expensive wines are fabulous & with some you wished you opened 2 Buck Chuck. The few of us who love this hobby know price alone does not guarantee musicality. I am greatful to the few manufacturers who strive for greatness & as such I am happy (& lucky enough) to help support them.
Has anyone ever tried a heavy cartridge (18gms) with a heavy tracking force (4gms) with a Graham?
If I were to run a cartridge this heavy,I would not use the 2.2.You would most likely get excellent results with the new(more massive) PHANTOM.There are many relatively heavy cartridges now in favor,in this hobby,which IMO only,seems to have partially influenced the arrival of the "SUPERB"(happy guys?)and heavier PHANTOM!