Any experience with the new Linn Sondek upgrades?

The new arm seems monstrously priced since I just managed to do my upgrade three years ago. It was worth it but another five grand seems nuts. Perhaps the base upgrade at half that provides more benefit per kilo-buck, and it more in line with their theory that the platter comes first. Its gonna take me another three years before I can squirrel away that much if the new arm is that big an improvement.

Showing 3 responses by rgurney

Kinsedkd - The "whole nine yards" upgrade - Keel, EKOS SE, and Akiva lists for about $10,945 (3000+4950+2995) if my figures are correct. I assume you got a good deal, including the Circus, by jumping all at once. It's nice you can afford to drop a large amount and consider the unit as a "whole", rather than to "microanalyze", but I'm sure many if not most Linn owners go the piecemeal upgrade route and are concerned about which upgrades are the most cost effective, as discounts are generally less available when upgrading step by step.
Aceto - As Kinsekd has mentioned, you must read the review article in the latest issue of Stereophile regarding the Linn upgrades. It appears that the Keel is logically the first choice step - to improve the table itself. After that there are many choices. Given the prices of the Ekos SE and Akiva, one must consider other manufacturers as well. One is not obligated to pick a Linn arm or cartridge for the LP-12. Other choices of arms - SME V, Origin Live, or Graham Phantom, may be as good if not better. For example, the late Alastair Robertson-Aikman, designer of SME products, created his SME V to have synergy with his tables, yet many prefer the Phantom instead.
Looking at the picture of the underside of the Keel, in the October Stereophile article, it appears that only Linn tonearms can be used with it, eliminating use of other possible choices.