Any experience with Tannoy loudspeakers?

I need feedback fro Tannoy owners.  Did you satisfy with bass extensions   ? soundstage

Showing 3 responses by johnrothschild

I'd like to know what Tannoy owners and auditioners think of, say, a Kensington GR with hard rock/heavy metal. I listen at low to moderate volumes.
Thanks for everyone sharing their thoughts on hard rock/ metal with Tannoys. I appreciate it.

The number one quality, bar none, that I look for in musical equipment is emotional connection with the music I enjoy. So I'll be curious about checking out Tannoys, as I'm under the impression that's a strength of theirs for some.

One thing I didn't hear though...are Tannoys good at lower volumes? Or do you need to play them at higher levels before they come alive?
What a great post, thank you: ).

Excellent news on your low volume thoughts...that's definitely what I'm looking for in volume.