Any experience with Kharma Ceramique Sub.?

Does anyone own Kharma Ce sub or heared it with any of Ce series?

Showing 1 response by cchckc

I have had the Kharma sub for several months. I have now gone through the breakin period. I used them with the Kharma ceramikques 3.2. In my opinion, this is a fabulous sub that integrates perfectly with the 3.2. My listening room is 18' x 26' with an 8 foot ceiling. Because of the low ceiling, most of the music is not played at very loud level. This is an amazing sub because it gets nuance of the double bass perfectly with the boom and the second and third order vibration one would get with a live concert. More importantly, this sub completely disappears when placed between the speakers about 1 foot from the backwall and about 1 foot behind the 3.2. I have programmed the sub to Bill P. at GTT specification, with the only exception that the sub high pass is set at 60 hertz (instead of 55). You cannot go wrong with this combination. Over the years, I have my share of subwoofer and woofer, Entec and Gradient subwoofers with Quad ELS63, Wilson Puppy. Without a doubt, this is the best speaker-sub combination I have heard in the last 20 years. I think I will stick with this for a long long time.