Any experience with cables by EnKlein or Klee?

I recently auditioned an entry level EnKlein Big Tom power cord on my Hegel H-30 amp. It made a surprisingly big improvement on my sound stage and sonic detail, over the Tara Labs the One I was using. Amazed that switching a power cord could make such a big improvement. I don't see much written about this brand, or Klee, or Thales cords. I see a lot of posts on the merits of High Fidelity and HiDiamond, and SR elements.
I am hoping that there are other 'Goners who have tried the EnKlein brand, or Klee, and let me know their thoughts, and what they were using before. I think getting cables correct for system matching and synergy is the hardest part of our hobby, especially as the costs for premium cables is approaching costs of components. Makes it hard to audition as well, due to the long breaking periods expressed here by others.
The rest of my system is Venture Excellence III speakers, VAC tubed pre, Playback Design DAC 5 with computer hires as a source. Other cables are FMS Nexus III's, all copper. I am curious if a blend of silver cables will help provide more sonic 'air' and detail, and keep the warmth of rich midrange I enjoy, and taunt bass. I also recently added a second run of FMS speaker cables for bi-wire, instead of jumpers, and it also made a nice improvement, but not as big as the power cord on amp. If I add another pc, which other component would make the biggest improvement, DAC, or pre?
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. Happy Holidays.

if given the chance, grab a Stage III Concepts pc.
You will be rewarded handsomely.
Jayant, thanks. I read that Stage III may release a new line of Pc's at Ces next week, which may result in lower prices. I'll wait and see what develops with this brand. Looking forward perhaps for an audition to buy.
Ray Seda at Dagogo has done a review of the Tarus power cord with Cherry and Pass Labs amps. We like our customers to be happy with our products and encourage them to test them in there systems.