Any experience with Arc ref75 driving magnepans

Thinking about buying a Arc ref 75 to go with my ls27. I have 1.7 right now and will upgrade to the 3.7s in the future..I listen mostly to jazz along with some classical and classic rock. Once in awhile I turn up the volume...I'm reaching out to you for your input...Thanks

Showing 1 response by david12

I have had both ARC and Pass Labs in my system and both companies make some of the best, most reliable amps around. Granted tube amps are intrinsically, more likely to break down than SS, but I really can't agree with Don c55, that ARC have reliablity problems.

I can't comment on the Reference 75 and matching with Maggies, but the consensus seems to be that they will drive most speakers, except the most punishing, to sensible volumes. On a prolonged recent audition, I thought the Reference 75 was one of the best sounding amps I have heard and I plan to buy one, when funds allow.

Whether a move from the Pass to ARC is a step sideways or up, I think you would have to audition in your system, but at these prices I would take that as mandatory anyway.