any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?

great time for music imo. new sounds, edgy but musical and sometime.....downright deep/moving. never got into the really hardcore punk seen. liked the softer side destruction alot better =)

just finished a psychedelic furs binge tonight. had joy division/early new order on all weekend. planning on reminiscing with lou reed/velvet underground and early rem later this week.

haven't really listened to this stuff much in recent memory. not sure why?. i own almost everything these bands ever put out but still rarely give them a turn anymore?.

early furs with all that sax and mr butler's near painful voice =). i'm gonna grab some tickets for their upcoming show at house of blues (chicago). i'm sure it won't be as crazy as the shows back then but the music will still be great. didn't even know they were touring.

really enjoyed joy division and after the death of Ian....early new order stuff. incredible music considering their roots. new order eventually lost their edge but back then....they were it!

any other fans out there?
I have tons of this stuff from college days. I was playing The The and Guadalacanal Diary over the weekend.
wow....forgot about The The! infected was one of my favorites. couldn't keep that disc out of my cdp back then. gotta pull that disc out soon too. order substance is truly one of the great double disc's out there. the version of ceremony on substance really kicks!.
Don't forget Bronski Beat, small town boy is one of my favorite songs from that era, Erasure, And probably the most diverse band of that period, OINGO BOINGO!
I'm a huge SMITHS fan how soon is know is also one of my favorite songs, so dark so intense.
Romeo Void, "Never Say Never" one of the all time great slam dance songs. Good call.

"Blue Monday" - still a classic what a great bass line, New Order rocks.
i was a big psych furs fan, too, and also dug their counterparts like echo and teardrop explodes. what's amazing is how well most of this stuff has aged--it blows away the legions of horrible current bands that sound like direct cops of that early 80s/factory sound.
if you like this line of bands, check out the comsat angels and the sound--fantastic, intense stuff which never reached an audience on these shores.