Any criticisms of Odyssey Stratos

Okay, so I've read all of the great reviews, both in various publications and in posts on various websites, and everyone seems to think these are great amps (and for the money they appear to be). But, let's be honest -- it can't be perfect. Is there anyone who can honestly find any faults (other than long break in time) with it? I'd be curious to hear these before I purchase one. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by dangoldfarb

I would like to invite you all to come visit my new forums at,

I have created some manufacturer specific discussion forums there, and we have several Odyssey owners and Klaus (owner Odyssey) who participate there.
I invite you to come check it out- you may get some more responses there, and I would love to hear any input you may have on improving our forums.

Dan G.