Any comment on Opera Audio Consonance M15 speakers

I would like to get comments on Opera Audio Consonance M15 horn speakers,I have never used horn speakers yet,my power amp is Leben CS660 (2x40 watts,uses KT66 tubes)though I am happy with my Coincident Total Eclipse II speakers,my local dealer have made a demo with M15s and I am very impressed of their performance
I thank you in advance
Audiokinesis,thanks a lot for your input,I would be happy if Trelja or someone
else know these speakers and comment on them
I know M-15s well, what would you like to know?
>>>>>40wpc is fine. Heard M15s driven with Cybers 211 16wpc.
It was a fine demo indeed. Match with good power cord (V-D or Granit Audio)and IC cables - like Harmonic Technology's Pro-Silway MK III interconnect cables.

Integration between front loaded tweeter and 15inch woofer is fine-tune perfectly. As you probebly know tweeter & woofer is made with a help of germans. Cabinet, crossover and assembly is done by Consonance at home (as far as I know).

M-15 are a fine speakers and deffenitally worth the asking price. If it wasn't for a limited space, I would be more then happy with them for a long time.

Few things you might want to consider are:

- quality preamp & amp.(something not too laid back and fast with excellen high frequencies extension.
- they need a room to breath.
- speakers cable...well, Zu Audio Ibis or Libtec are good choice with high sensitivity speakers. There might be other choices but I have no experience to recommed any.
Mrjstark, thank you for your detailed observations about M15
I think my 40 watts tube amp might be good match with M15 and my SS Accustic Arts preamplifier is also fine for me, I am curious mostly about image
height and lowest bass region which my Total Eclipse speakers have very good
(real sized)images and deep enough bass.
I think the best advice that I can give you is,
to talk to your dealer about in home audition (if he is "OK" it should not be a problem). It is the only way to be sure. Trelia (importer of Consoance) is a very nice guy. If you call him, he might be able to help you with that.
How do M-15 (image size & aquracy) compare to your Total Eclipse....I am not in position to help you. Heard them ones in my friend's system (hard to tell).
M-15 bass is very well define with many shades and very tuneful and musical (for 15ich woofer). Low level detail and dynamics are also very good.
Hello, Ben!

Let me first thank you for your interest in our product, as well as the kind words offered up by Duke and Mariusz.

Despite what a lot of people think, I believe a horn speaker such as this benefits from a bit of power in order to be able to control the large voice coil inherent in most 15" woofers. While a lot of folks talk about using very lower power SET amplification, I don't feel that is the ideal match for this type of product.

So, I'm in the camp of your 40 watts of tube being a potentially good partner for this loudspeaker. The question I have is, what is the tonal character of the Leben, specifically, is it more on the rosy and euphonic or insightful and engaging side of things?

Of course, the ultimate answer as to whether or not this is the right product for you can only be answered via an audition. And, to that end, if I can assist in that, I would be more than happy to help in that.

Thank you again,