Any Bluetooth wireless speakers that you like?

I'm looking to add sound to the living room in a WAF friendly manner.   Gotta be inconspicuous and no wires showing!

I'm thinking a wireless Bluetooth speaker that I can connect to from tablet or Smartphone running my favorite music apps is the way to go.

Any particular good sounding ones that you have heard?

The retro-styled Marshalls would fit in aesthetically I think.  My wife likes retro!  Maybe the portable model.


Showing 3 responses by oblgny


I have both Deepblue's, the original and the 2. When I bought the 2 I moved the original to my office since I'm there about 5 times a month. 

I use the 2 at home on my deck, which I usually strap to a tree about ten feet away. I simply hook up my iPod or Astell & Kern player via the aux input. My experience using Bluetooth with the 2 was not so good - dropouts, noise, etc. I'm going to try it again. There IS a dac in the 2. 

Everyone who has been here at the house comments on how good the sound is - and not the type of peeps who think the Bose Wave is good. I also turn the bass WAY down. It has plenty of bass without increasing it. 

Ridiculous as I may be sometimes, I've just written Peachtree to inquire as to how I might use a pair for stereo, a right and a left. I've dealt directly with them before and they have remarkably good customer service.  Good luck!
Peachtree just released the Deepblue3 recently. In my humble opinion this is the top “portable” Bluetooth speaker system out there - and for just $399. 

I started with the original version, bought the 2 version upon release, and I just ordered the 3 version even though it doesn’t have WiFi - which they said it was going to add as a feature. C’est la vie. 

I hope they they improved the Bluetooth because I found it to be rather crappy overall, too many dropouts whether it was on my back deck or in my bedroom. I listened to it mostly through my iPod or Astell & Kern portables via the aux jack anyway, so the Bluetooth aspect never really bothered me. 

I loved  the look of the Marshall portables but they simply didn’t come close to my humble ears. 
Just received the Peachtree Audio Deepblue3...

This is quite different from the 2 - especially with regard to the mids and highs which weren’t bad to begin with. Like the 2 the only tone control is for increasing/decreasing bass output which I prefer at the lowest setting.  This has more than sufficient bass.  

Suggestion:  should anyone buy this do this - attach pieces of Velcro to the remote and unit and keep them together.  The remote is a slip of a thing easily misplaced. 

Admittedly I’ll be using the aux jack to listen to my iPod or Astell & Kern player 99% of the time so I can’t readily comment on the Bluetooth quality.  I wasn’t a fan with the earlier model’s, but I’ll give this a shot just for the hell of it. 

I wish there were a tone control for the treble.  

I have heard Sonos, and a few others.  I so wanted the Marshall because it was so damn cool looking,  but alas, it simply doesn’t compare well to the DB2. 

Me two cents...