Any Bluesound Node2 owners

                   I picked up a used Node2, my hope is to get decent sound out of tidal MQA. Maybe some setup tips if ya got any, it arrives on monday, thank.


Showing 5 responses by adg101

Pick up an aftermarket power cord and if you can hardwire instead of WiFi. Down the road definitely pick up a DAC as that will make the biggest for the better difference over anything.

I have an Oppo 205 so can’t say for certain the DAC in your 105 will sound better than the Node but I bet it will be noticeably better. To do it right you need a digital coax cable so not any rca cable and I’d say avoid Toslink as well. If you don’t have a digital coax then pick up a Canare to experiment with as it’s very affordable and very good. Need a min. of a 3ft cable... I suggest a 4ft cable. Once you hear your Oppo as the DAC I bet you’ll understand why many use the Node/Vaults as streamers only.

Not uncommon to spend much more on a separate DAC to run with a Node 2. Knowing your budget will probably help but I’d probably say stay under $1500 on a DAC with a Node 2 as at that point might want to step up to another streamer. I’m running a RME ADI 2fs DAC with Teddy Pardo power supply and very happy with that combination with my Vault 2, but that being said I’m toying with the idea of a dedicated streamer only. Before the RME I was using the DAC in my Cambridge 851C and it was much better than the DAC in the Bluesound so if you want to experiment I’d say find a used Cambridge DacMagic as that will be a nice upgrade for not much money. If you have a CDP does it have coax digital in as that might be an option too.
Pretty sure the OP asked for suggestions to get the most out of their Node 2. Don’t feel anyone here isn’t offering what was not asked.

+1 on the Supra Cat 8

I use a Supra Cat 8 and although it’s the only ethernet cable I have tried besides the stock cable it is better to my ears and it’s affordable. Felt the stock Cat 5 cable was a little closed in, flatter stage and thinner compared to the Supra; it’s not a night and day difference but it is there. The Supra is more open and when comparing it to the stock it gets out of the way better.

In my system and my ears changing the power cable did make a difference which is plugged into a PS Audio P5 so maybe that helped. Just like the ethernet cable it’s not a night and day difference but every little bit helps. Biggest improvement is going to be a DAC but agree to enjoy it first because if you haven’t streamed yet you are in for a treat.

As far as streaming services go I started with Spotify Premium because I subscribed years before getting a streamer for home and the family package is a good deal. Next went to Tidal HiFi and agree it’s better than Spotify and they have a military discount for an individual subscription. Currently I have added Qobuz and I agree with others it sounds the best of the three. 

I’ve not listened to a Chord Qutest but it gets rave reviews. I have a Vault 2 and and in my system it’s night and day difference between the onboard DAC or using the DAC in either my Cambridge 851C or RME. I agree the audible difference between Qobuz and Tidal is there but to my ears the difference between DACs is more substantial.