Any Audiophile recording of The Planets?

I have Holst/The Planets by DG (Karajan) very good music but not so good sound (early digital recording) Any suggestion for the best sound of The Planets ?

Showing 2 responses by stevecham

Ditto Texasdave, I saw MSO perform this piece when lived in Montreal for a couple or wonderful years and this particular recording captures all the energy, sonics and excellent musicianship of this fine and often overlooked orchestra and performance. The bass from the organ pedals on Uranus will snuff out a candle at 3 ft. Charles Dutoit and MSO IMHO are only second to BSO (my home town).
My .02 goes to Dutoit and OSM too. Tremendous bass pedal on Saturn. Shakes the room.

The chorus at the end is among the best finales of this piece. And it should be not be rushed, after all the planets take their time; the ponderous tempo of this version emphasizes the mass and mystery of these objects.

Dutoit's version sounds like space, as Holst intended.