Any Audio Enthusiasts in Tucson?

Hi, I recently moved to NW Tucson, AZ, and was wondering if there is a local audiophile club or anyone from the Tucson/Oro Valley area who might like to either start a club or just correspond and compare notes. I know there is an Audio Society in Phoenix, but their meetings are a bit of a drive for me and they seem to be held at inconvenient times.

If there are any interested 'philes in the Tucson vicinity who'd like to exchange philosophies and ideas, I invite you to write me and get the ball rolling. If there is enough interest then perhaps we could start our own club.

Hi everyone -- I'll join Bruce in adding myself to your list. I also know of about 3 or 4 others you haven't heard from. Please let me know if you decide to get together and I'll give you their email addresses as well.

I would be interested in joining or setting up a club. I have lived in Tucson 12 years and recently became an audio nut.
Hi tzumwalde1,

I've met a few audio guys through this post and have made a couple of good friends in the area. But so far, I haven't been able to organize anything resembling an audio club. A lot of the people seem to share the interest, but when it comes to scheduling a regular time to meet, they're all over the map.

If you're serious about actually organizing a club or if you just want to get together and compare notes sometime then shoot me an e-mail and we can discuss it.

Thanks for your response.


Gee, I’m only 20 years late to this post. Would be nice to have an audio club in tucson