Any affordable intergrateds known for huge sound?

I know this is speaker/placement dependent as well...but are there any affordable intergrated amps known for huge soundstaging abilities? I am by no means a detail freak...just like big,full,open sound with tight bass...was thinking tubes...but like SS bass...maybe a Jolida hybrid? I like my NAD c350...but it sounds a bit "closed in" at times...any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by foreverhifi

For the same money as the Plinius at $2k-$2500 you can get a MUCH MUCH MUCH(yes indeed MUCH!..) better sounding, world class even Musical Fidelity integrated that is absolutely gorgeous sounding! The piece at around $5k new is the best integrated I know of...and I've heard a lot of em.
For cheap, try the Jolida 502b tube piece.
Although, what speakers are you using?