Antique Sound Lab HB1 headphone amp: comments?

I am currently working on a new home construction site, and have several hours each afternoon when very little happens. I want to use the time to review some new CD's, and plan to use my Sennheiser HD-600 headphones.

I plan to buy a moderately-priced (under $300) headphone amp, and am considering the new Antique Sound Labs HB1 tube amp. I was wondering if any of our A-gon readers have had experience with this amp. Any comments that might help with my buying decision will be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by dubzilla

Mr. Campbell,

I can't recommend that amp, because I don't have any knowledge of it, but I do know for certain that there are very good headphone amps in that price range.

Perreaux comes to mind, as does Ray Samuels' new design, the SR-71 (I think it's $395). is chock-full of such information.

Good luck, Esfand