Antique Sound Hurricaines

Can someone please advise i) Antique Sound Hurricaines-quality control-good, bad, etc., hum problems, etc. ii) Does anyone know if the DT (new model) is superior to the original HP model? Any experience with these amps would be appreciated?

Showing 1 response by rwd

Please allow me to add my comments also.....
I did a review on these amps in "goN" so please take a look.

I have the original version (HP?) but it came with the Triode switch. The amps sound fantastic (see the review).

As to problems? Well, that's were the price comes in. They are GREAT value BUT they are not at the level of, say ARC or CJ. One of my amps had a problem (it would just shut down) but this was remedied by my dealer (Lyric Hi-Fi). They gave me a new amp! I also lost a Kt 88 tube. Picked up two (one for spare) and I am in sonic bliss again.

Look into these amps But I would suggest that you get them from a dealer rather then for the distributor directly.