Anti static guns

I saw this guy on YouTube who used this device as an anti static gun

Since I think my Minty gun is dead, anyone ever use one of these?
Not so sure about is..

Showing 3 responses by rockitman

I have not found zerostat to be effective in removing static. Maybe it reduces it, but it sure doesn't get rid of it completely. That has been my experience.
After using an ultrasonic cleaner on my records, static is no longer an issue, hence no brushes or guns used in my system anymore. I use a photgraphers puffer ball to blow off any offending dust. When there is no static, the dust blows right off the record.
11-14-13: Rauliruegas
Dear Rockitman: You are right but remember that the item is only a " help " and static is always there/around, to reduce it is a " help " and better that " nothing ". Don't you think?

Regards and enjoy the music,

If you clean and dry your records right (ultrasonic and blow dry, not vaccum), there is no static. I still find the zerostat practically useless. Another tip that helps, is to blow warm air from your breath into the sleeve prior to pulling out the record, then again blowing into the sleeve prior to putting the record away. That helps to maintain the static free record. That's how I do it and I have no static charged records as a result. YMMV.