Anti-skating- test records vs. ears

I've been experimenting with anti skating recently. I know the conventional recommendation is to set the anti skate to the same setting as VTF. I track at 1.8 gr.

I hav several test records. I first had a Shure V15 type 3 then later owned a V15 type 5 ( still regret selling the type 3) so I have 2 Shure test records. I also own the HiFi News and Record Reviews test record. My test records tell be that my anti skating should be set at about 2, certainly not less. However, my ears tell me 1.5 is plenty and beyond that I loose something- call it sparkle, air, extension or whatever. I went with my ears

Anyone experience something similar?

Showing 1 response by john_gordon

There is no conflict here regarding anti skate. Stringreen doesn't use it, others do. If you use no antiskate you need more vtf, and you also compromise stylus and record wear. But if you prefer that, then fine.

Similarly you can always say you prefer tracking at half or twice the recommended VTF, or with your speakers pointing backwards. That will not change the fact that you are compromising something, while preferring something else.

I don't have a problem with those who don't use antiskate. Only those who deny the existence of the reasons for using it.