Anti-cables alternatives

Are there any other manufacturer's of magnet wire based cables (speaker and interconnect) other than anti-cables? Some time ago, I purchased some Magwire cables (speaker and interconnect), but I don't think they are available anymore. There were several variations of the interconnects and speaker cables which potentially enabled better "system matching". Haven't tried the anti-cables yet, but was curious if there were any other options. Thanks for your time and assistance.

Showing 1 response by subdued

10-18-06: Gregm

: Absorbing vibration is an issue but teflon is rubbish for that job.

Quite. For mechanical support one can use wide masking tape (paper, one side adhesive). Both JD & I have done this and it's fine (rather than have the wires dangling in the air).

Greg, not sure what you are you using bits of tape every x inches to prevent flapping or using copius amounts of tape to wrap entire length of wires?