Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden

With all the debate on hi end reviewers, I think it's pretty impressive to see Anthony Cordesman quoted, in the text below this video:

Showing 7 responses by rok2id

The CIA and our other intelligence agencies have budgets so large they are ashamed to make them public, yet that traitorous piece of filth still breathes.

I can remember when they could change governments around the world. Now they are impotent in the face of this foul creature. Given time, our foreign controlled media will make him a hero.

An 'audiophile' having a part in foreign policy is scary!!

Interesting times indeed!!

Seems as if our 'hero' is having trouble finding a rock to ooze under.

And for all you shallow thinkers, remember this, people will die as a result of what he did.

The two greatest examples of sticking our nose where it does not belong, are both World Wars.
First we provoke both Japan and Germany, then we help destroy both countries. Killing hundreds of thousands in the process. Mostly civilians!! Neither country ever did anything to 'US', to deserve our agression.

Interestingly, I don't recall reading about any European protest at the time.

And the Middle East in the worst example of all. We now have have an entire religion hating us. Was not always that way. Why is it that way now?

So I agree we should mind our own business, I just have a problem with this picking and choosing. I think Washington told us to stay out of those entanglements.


The world just feels that it has veto power over the use of American power. When we are saving their asses, our intervention is great. Otherwise, yankee go home, until we need you to sacrifice your young and treasure again. We'll call you.

******I don't see how you can award the moral high ground to Hirohito, Mussolini and Hitler who were hell bent on world domination through any means necessary.*******

Was not speaking of 'moral highground', I was addressing American INTERVENTION and the world's reaction to it.

*****We formally declared war on Japan Dec. 8, 1941, the day after they bombed Pearl Harbor. Within days Germany and Italy declared war on the United States as signatories to the Axis Tripartite Pact.*******

I guess you forgot about American spport with war materiel for Great Britain and France. Both at war with Germany. I guess you didn't hear of the American Navy's attacks on German Submarines in the North Atlantic. Or the Navy escorting convoys heading for England. Or the American Volunteer Group(flying Tigers) fighting the Japanese in China. Ever hear of the American embargo against Japan concerning oil and scrap metal. ALL of this, and more, happened long before Pearl Harbor. Giving the UK, old US Navy ships etc....

****I'm assuming that you were alive during ww2 by your last statement so take this with all due respect.******

Actually I was, for some of it. Was not old enough to read. But if you read carefully, you will see that I said, I don't recall READING (now) about protests that would have happened during that time(WWll)

Of course, with all respect due you.


My understanding of EVERYTHING is grossly inadequate. At least according to my family and friends. You have stated the obvious!

****you never have to qualify your thoughts with a preface on your citizenry. Canada, America, whatever, we're all people and we're entitled to our beliefs. :-)*******

Canadians, and others, like our 'friends in the EU' who live and prosper behind the shield provided by the American taxpayer, thru the might of the US military, should consider this, when commenting on American policy.

I respect him for stating his Nationality. It was the proper thing to do.


All of your comments about Canada's contributions are true. I was mainly speaking of the post cold war world. In the face of the Soviet and German threats, all the players pretty much stayed in line.

Canada made great contributions and sacrifices in both world wars. The raid at Dieppe helped ensure the success at Normandy.

I did notice that you mentioned the Iraqi war and the WMDs. That's picking and choosing. They didn't KNOW about the WMDs before the war.
