Anthem MCA-5 Series II vs. Rotel RMB-1075

I am trying to decide what amp would best suit my situation. I am currently running the Vandy 1c's for fronts, Vandy VCC-1 center and some older Polk Towers for rears. I plan on changing out the fronts for the 2Ce Sig's and putting the 1c's in the rear.
I am not familiar with the Anthem line, there is a MCA-5 used for $1,000 Obo that I am considering. And then I am considering a new Rotel RMB-1075/$1050. I just do not know what would be the better choice as I play a lot of movies and do listen to some music playback.
Help anyone ????
Hi,I am running the anthem MCA-5 in my home is a very nice sounding took a long time for it to break in but after about 200 hrs it just sings...I have not tried the Rotel RMB-1075 so I cannot comment on it...the Anthem gives out 175wpc and its best feature is it turns itself on when it detects also turns off after no sound for around 30min. I think you can hear the Rotel easier at a dealers than you can the Anthem...I would try and get a listen to both...I have had mine for over 2 years and have changed many components but not the amp...I run an MCA-2 for my front channels the 5 does the sides...rear...and center...Good luck
I used to run an Anthem MCA 2 in my 2 channel, no experience with Rotel, which is a really nice amp at that price point. I would say tht you would be really pleaed with the Anthem for a HT set-up.