Another turntable

Hello everybody 

I am an analog lover (no CD nor streaming at all). For about 20 years now I have a TW Acustic Raven AC, with 2 SME 3012-R tonearms. One for the stereo and one for the monos. The TW evolved with the battery PSU, and heavy platter form the Black Night, and the 3 motors in a round shape.

I listen mainly classical music and a bit of jazz music. 
I read many threads on forum and TW is never talked about. My TTIs 20 years old now and as I am turning old too, maybe I look for what would be my last TT ( the famous « last one » before being retired with not enough money for climbing the audiophile mountain again.

I have no preferences for any technology as long as it makes good music. I can buy used or vintage (if professionally restored). 
I can go up to 20000 € max. I need the possibility of 2 arms, or one classical and enough room for a Viv Lab.

My little list is 

- Kuzma Red 2 or Stabi M

- Verdier La Platine

-SME 20 or an old 30

- Brinkmann 

-Shoppered TD124 ?

-   What else ?

Thanks for your suggestions. As you understand I live in Europe. How do you quote TW now in regards of these pretenders ? 


Showing 10 responses by senza

Thanks for your answers and opinions.I didn’t think Origin Live could be that good. Interesting.I’m a bit surprised nobody talked about  Verdier or SME nor Brinkmann that are the more often talked about in this price range.

Thanks very much for this answer. I didn’t think these « little » MS were that good. I will investigate further but it seems the majority of these TTs are from Japan or US so have to convert to 230V.


The Balance is out of reach except a used model. It seem th tube PSU is mandatory with also theHRS base, and these « accessories «  significantly p raises the price. Never heard SME and opinions on them are convergent concerning build quality but rather divergent about SQ. 
concerning Verdier I heard the speed was not precisely 33,33, but that the motor kept it very constant. Now Raul said it’s not the case. Verdier better or worst sounding than SME 20.3 ? 
No dealer here is able to present 2 different TTs in the same price range, and the one they sell are told to be selected by them as « the » reference in their price range. I know it’s not the case as they all have deals with builders or importers for selling their products. That’s why I ask to real users for sharing real experiences.

In the end, if I compile what all of you David, Kuzma Stabi M seems the one to go, but only one arm. 

@dhcod : yes it’s a possibility also. With the money spared I could buy Uber tonearms like Glanz 1200. But I’m an audiophile after all, 😎 and in a few years I will be retired with restricted financial possibilities.😏

Dear Raul,

Simon Yorke is very interesting. I saw his son builds the SID 9 TT, but don’t know the price.
As I understand it, it is better to buy the TT with its own tonearm and possibly an Allaerts cart, for having the best possible Yorke sound. I think Yorke was an ingeneer and an artist and Allaerts is also a singular personality. We need people like them who think out of the box.
It is a strong choice to do. The result could possibly be, in the end, the best of this TTs price range. 
Did you listen the SYD 9 by yourself and compared it ? Please can you share ? 

The bearing is not as old as the TT. I changed it when I bought the 20kg BN platter, less than 10years ago.

I emailed S. Yorke for his SYD9 prices and fab delay. Here is his complete answer pasted here :

« Hi,

No, sorry, I don’t do that audiophile stuff anymore. »

End of the story. I asked him to explain a bit. No answer yet.

Über Technics seems to be a world in its own. Too many pros and cons. The partisans of the old SP10 vs the partisans of the new ones. The different plinths and how they sound…
All that buzz always kept me on the side of this road. But that’s me.

Thanks for everyone for sharing your opinions with all due respect !

 I will probably make a decision in a few weeks. Not sure I will go toward vintage as there are too many variables for having a good or an exceptional product (how it has been cared, the importance of having an expert not too far in case of troubles, the PITA if I need to ship it across the world for  repair or anything else, etc etc). It looks like a gambling. You can win or you can loose. I’m not rich enough for taking that kind or risk.

The only expert vintage who is 30 km from me is Swissonor with his Thorens TD124. Kuzma and SME smells good, if I keep my TW for having different arms and carts (1 mono and 1 stereo, and the SPU Century that is waiting in its box…). Is it possible to buy a new  SME with a plinth for another tonearm now ? If not, SME will go out of my way. 

Thanks for your help 👍

probably I’m wrong but the Transrotor looks like a copy of all the most successful designs realized by other makers « before ». I don’t said they are, but it seems.

Their TT’s models are so different from one another that this company doesn’t  seem to have a real identity, personality, a philosophy of what a good sounding  tt should look like. So, from my point of view, they don’t inspire confidence.

Its just my impression as I never heard anyone.
How such a little company can seriously imagine, study and produce so many models ?

That being said it is a respectful company because they are on this market for a long time now, and if their products were only bad copies they should have disappeared many years ago. Their new tonearm collects very good comments from the owners.