Another turntable

Hello everybody 

I am an analog lover (no CD nor streaming at all). For about 20 years now I have a TW Acustic Raven AC, with 2 SME 3012-R tonearms. One for the stereo and one for the monos. The TW evolved with the battery PSU, and heavy platter form the Black Night, and the 3 motors in a round shape.

I listen mainly classical music and a bit of jazz music. 
I read many threads on forum and TW is never talked about. My TTIs 20 years old now and as I am turning old too, maybe I look for what would be my last TT ( the famous « last one » before being retired with not enough money for climbing the audiophile mountain again.

I have no preferences for any technology as long as it makes good music. I can buy used or vintage (if professionally restored). 
I can go up to 20000 € max. I need the possibility of 2 arms, or one classical and enough room for a Viv Lab.

My little list is 

- Kuzma Red 2 or Stabi M

- Verdier La Platine

-SME 20 or an old 30

- Brinkmann 

-Shoppered TD124 ?

-   What else ?

Thanks for your suggestions. As you understand I live in Europe. How do you quote TW now in regards of these pretenders ? 


Showing 1 response by rossb

Have a look at the PTP Solid 9 and 12 turntables from the Netherlands.

I had a succession of high end turntables - top spec Linn LP12, AMG Viella, and Kuzma Stabi Ref/4Point. The PTP Solid 9 was better than all of them, and also less expensive.