Another turntable

Hello everybody 

I am an analog lover (no CD nor streaming at all). For about 20 years now I have a TW Acustic Raven AC, with 2 SME 3012-R tonearms. One for the stereo and one for the monos. The TW evolved with the battery PSU, and heavy platter form the Black Night, and the 3 motors in a round shape.

I listen mainly classical music and a bit of jazz music. 
I read many threads on forum and TW is never talked about. My TTIs 20 years old now and as I am turning old too, maybe I look for what would be my last TT ( the famous « last one » before being retired with not enough money for climbing the audiophile mountain again.

I have no preferences for any technology as long as it makes good music. I can buy used or vintage (if professionally restored). 
I can go up to 20000 € max. I need the possibility of 2 arms, or one classical and enough room for a Viv Lab.

My little list is 

- Kuzma Red 2 or Stabi M

- Verdier La Platine

-SME 20 or an old 30

- Brinkmann 

-Shoppered TD124 ?

-   What else ?

Thanks for your suggestions. As you understand I live in Europe. How do you quote TW now in regards of these pretenders ? 


Showing 5 responses by pindac

When it comes to looking at Direct Drive TT's,  from the Vintage Brands and Models, a Denon DP - 80 can be found for well under the $2000 allocation of Budget. Shipping and Import will be additional to the Purchase. Overseas shipping has recently had price increases, but for a single TT, these may up $70-100 to the prior to Covid charges.

I suggest the DP-80 for two reasons, one being that I own Two Models in my collection of a  Selection of Vintage DD TT's from the same production era. 

The other being more of the Ancillaries available and seen often that might just suit your purposes, the DP-80 is commonly seen in two forms that is with oor without a Plinth.

The Plinths seen for the DP-80 are often seen a Models that has the option for Two Arms in built as part of the design. From recollection I know there are Plinth Models that will accommodate one 12" Tonearm but I can't reassure that I have seen a design that will support two 12" Tonearms, I am sure a little though on the matter would produce a satisfactory method to enable the use of two arms at 12".

There was a lot of research carried out by the Big Brands during this TT's Production era and there will be Plinth Materials known off, that are being reported on as a better interface material that other types, it might be worth looking into the preferred material selection, another plus is that Plinths show up for sale as individual Items without the TT as part of the sale. This would enable a TT Motor Unit and Plinth to be selected as individual items and be shipped, if a intermediary buying service is used, this service will receive your goods, and combine the items into one package for shipping. 

The icing on the cake with the DP-80 is that if one is to be sought as a TT, and the buyer has a understanding of the ancillaries it can be supplied with, an extension time of surveying the used item sales market, will allow for a Phosphor Bronze / Gun Metal Plinth Model to appear, surprisingly these do not usually command a large margin of increased asking price.

I will cut of here, and  let other users of this suggested model inform you its credentials as a TT   

Apologies to the OP, I was working with a 2000 euro budget and no the up to          20 000 euro as stated.

If you are not to far from Aachen in Germany, their is a good place local to this city to experience quite a range of TT's at the mid to upper end of your budget. 

It would be great to think that the Munich Hi End Show will take place this year.

It is a event that is a Mecca for enthusiasts across the Globe, and being based in Europe, attending this event will be reasonably easy to achieve.

All of the choices that make the shortlist and others that have not will most likely be available for a demonstration within the show.

If this is an appealing option, exhibitors can be contacted in advance, and informed of your interest in receiving a demonstration of certain products.   

Like @pani , I myself have owned Linn Belt Drive, Garrard 401 ( Martin Bastin Overhaul ) PTP Solid 9 , and a Variety of Vintage DD TT's SP10 MkII, DP-80, TTS 8000, Aurex SR510, and I have listened to recently throughout the past year Post Covid a SP10 R and prior to Covid a SME and a Orbe.

I lean heavily toward the DD Sonic Signature and the Joy of all the inbuilt speed stability.   

Hi @pani it is the wonderful world of the HiFi Journey, when two individuals have shared in common experiences of equipment use, and the preferred ancillary of each are with a difference.

Good info for the OP to consider, hearing the performance of an ancillary is crucial, and demonstrations are the key to the gathering the evidence for the assessments that will be produced.