Another turntable

Hello everybody 

I am an analog lover (no CD nor streaming at all). For about 20 years now I have a TW Acustic Raven AC, with 2 SME 3012-R tonearms. One for the stereo and one for the monos. The TW evolved with the battery PSU, and heavy platter form the Black Night, and the 3 motors in a round shape.

I listen mainly classical music and a bit of jazz music. 
I read many threads on forum and TW is never talked about. My TTIs 20 years old now and as I am turning old too, maybe I look for what would be my last TT ( the famous « last one » before being retired with not enough money for climbing the audiophile mountain again.

I have no preferences for any technology as long as it makes good music. I can buy used or vintage (if professionally restored). 
I can go up to 20000 € max. I need the possibility of 2 arms, or one classical and enough room for a Viv Lab.

My little list is 

- Kuzma Red 2 or Stabi M

- Verdier La Platine

-SME 20 or an old 30

- Brinkmann 

-Shoppered TD124 ?

-   What else ?

Thanks for your suggestions. As you understand I live in Europe. How do you quote TW now in regards of these pretenders ? 


Showing 1 response by dhcod

I second the PTP solid 9 or 12. Incredible table. Stabi R with 4Point otherwise.

But why not just upgrade your arm to the 4Point and keep the TW? Easier step and it will get you closer to the big boys than you think